Electronics & Communication

Housing parts for electronic compon­ents can have very diffe­rent requi­re­ments for the type of plastic used depen­ding on the opera­ting environ­ment.

Weather resistance

A targeted selec­tion of materials is crucial for achie­ving UV resis­tance, impact strength at sub-zero tempe­ra­tures and frost.


Conduc­tive plastics can be used for devices with built-in sensi­tive electronic compon­ents or to protect against dust forma­tion.


When it comes to housing parts, custo­mers demand flawless, sometimes high-gloss surfaces. In addition to the choice of material, the plastic-friendly compo­nent design is ultim­ately important here.

Housing parts for soldering stations

Conduc­tive ABS, PA6 and metallic paints for long-lasting antistatic proper­ties. Special compounds enable conduc­tive proper­ties in combi­na­tion with any compo­nent colors.

Handles with lasered lette­ring for lighting from the inside with LEDs.

2‑component housing

Electro­nics housing with brass threaded sockets in the lower shell and pad printing on the upper shell. Each coated with a soft compo­nent using the 2K process.

Motor housing for viewing window

Housing for rotating Rotoclear viewing window for milling machines. The special material blend has parti­cu­larly low distor­tion and is a perfect fit for this appli­ca­tion.

Injection molding with soft plastic

Milled inserts using the 2K inser­tion process overmolded with thermo­pla­stic elasto­mers.

ASA housing

In contrast to ABS, ASA is UV resistant and does not yellow over time. Targeted inter­rup­tions in the rear wall ribs allow for as little compo­nent distor­tion as possible.

Frame for hob extractor

Heat-resistant materials for appli­ca­tions in contact with cleaning agents and oils.