Our references

We are a develo­p­ment supplier for a wide range of indus­tries.

Here you can see a small excerpt from our projects.


Biopo­ly­mers are becoming incre­asingly important. It is now also possible to use plastics based on renewable raw materials in technical appli­ca­tions. We work closely with manufac­tu­rers of biopo­ly­mers to enable you to use biopo­ly­mers for your project.


The sanitary industry has parti­cu­larly high requi­re­ments for plastic compon­ents such as drinking water approval accor­ding to national and inter­na­tional standards, resis­tance to cleaning agents and tempe­ra­ture fluctua­tions.

Lifestyle & Food

Plastic compon­ents for everyday use are often undere­sti­mated in their comple­xity. Long-term durabi­lity and food-safety of the materials and decors are the big challenges here.

Electro­nics & Commu­ni­ca­tion

For plastic compon­ents for outdoor housings that are resistant to sunlight, as well as compon­ents in the electro­nics sector with high opera­ting tempe­ra­tures or antistatic proper­ties for sensi­tive electronic compon­ents, the materials must be selected intel­li­gently.

Medicine & labora­tory techno­logy

Compon­ents used in opera­ting rooms or labora­to­ries have special requi­re­ments with regard to resis­tance to chemi­cals and cleaning proce­dures. Special antibac­te­rial additives are possible to slow down micro­bac­te­rial growth in sensi­tive areas of use.


Plastics in the automo­tive sector are sometimes elabo­ra­tely refined and, depen­ding on the area of appli­ca­tion, must be oil-resistant, tempe­ra­ture-resistant and UV-resistant. Depen­ding on their requi­re­ments, we supply our custo­mers just-in-time to the day with short lead times.


Materials with flame retar­dant additives are essen­tial in aviation. There are also high demands on the produc­tion process and its monito­ring.

Still questions?

Do you have any questions about our portfolio or would you like a specific offer? Simply send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to your inquiry.