Medicine & laboratory technology

Plastics in medical and labora­tory techno­logy require very high precision and require high chemical resis­tance.

Antibacterial additives

Special additives inhibit the coloniza­tion and repro­duc­tion of micro­or­ga­nisms and thus increase the function of compon­ents and extend their durabi­lity.

Infrared transmittance

To house sensors, we use special materials that allow light in the infrared wavelength to pass through.


Impact-modified polyamides withstand mecha­nical influences and hot steam steri­liza­tion for as long as possible.

Medical technology

Antibac­te­rial plastics have been proven to prevent micro­bac­te­rial growth. We produce compounds accor­ding to customer requi­re­ments for such special appli­ca­tions.

Laboratory equipment

Excep­tio­nally high requi­re­ments for chemical resis­tance require media-resistant materials.

Dental technology

Compon­ents with a high-gloss look and durable pad printing and molded rubber grommet.

Functional part

Combi­na­tion of milled compo­nent and injec­tion molded compo­nent with brass thread inserts.

Dental camera

Complex tool concept with delicate core pulls and slides due to the compo­nent geometry.