Data protec­tion

We are very pleased about your interest in our company. Data protec­tion has a parti­cu­larly high priority for the manage­ment of EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH. It is generally possible to use the EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH website without provi­ding any personal data. However, if a data subject wishes to use our company’s special services via our website, proces­sing could occur

personal data may be required. If the proces­sing of personal data is neces­sary and there is no legal basis for such proces­sing, we generally obtain the consent of the data subject. The proces­sing of personal data, such as the name,

the address, email address or telephone number of a data subject is always carried out in accordance with the General Data Protec­tion Regula­tion and in accordance with the country-specific data protec­tion regula­tions appli­cable to EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH. By means of this data protec­tion decla­ra­tion, our company would like to inform the public about the type, scope and purpose of the personal data we collect, use and process. Further­more, data subjects are informed about the rights to which they are entitled using this data protec­tion decla­ra­tion. As the controller, EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH has imple­mented numerous technical and organiza­tional measures to ensure the most complete protec­tion possible for the personal data processed via this website. Nevert­heless, Internet-based data trans­fers can in principle

have security gaps so that absolute protec­tion cannot be guaran­teed. For this reason, every data subject is free to transmit personal data to us by alter­na­tive means, for example by telephone.


The data protec­tion decla­ra­tion of EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH is based on the

Terms used by the European direc­tives and

Regula­tors when issuing the General Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (GDPR)

were used. Our data protec­tion decla­ra­tion is intended for both

Easy for the public as well as for our custo­mers and business partners

be legible and under­stan­dable. To ensure this, we would like to

explain the terms used in advance.

We use the follo­wing terms, among others, in this data protec­tion decla­ra­tion:

a) personal data

Personal data is any infor­ma­tion relating to a

identi­fied or identi­fiable natural person (herein­after

“data subject”). A natural one can be identi­fied

person who directly or indirectly, in parti­cular by means of

Assign­ment to an identi­fier such as a name, to an identi­fi­ca­tion number

Location data, to an online identi­fier or to one or more

special charac­te­ristics that express the physical, physio­lo­gical,

genetic, psycho­lo­gical, economic, cultural or social

Identity of this natural person can be identi­fied.

b) data subject

Data subject is any identi­fied or identi­fiable person

natural person whose personal data is used by the for

are processed by the person respon­sible for proces­sing.

c) Proces­sing

Any proces­sing is carried out with or without the help of automated proce­dures

executed opera­tion or any such series of opera­tions in connec­tion with

personal data such as collec­ting, recor­ding, organi­zing,

the arran­ging, the storage, the adapt­a­tion or change, that

Reading, querying, using, disclo­sing

Trans­mis­sion, distri­bu­tion or any other form of provi­sion

Matching or linking, restric­tion, deletion or


d) Restric­tion of proces­sing

Restric­tion of proces­sing is the marking of stored data

personal data with the aim of their future proces­sing


e) Profiling

Profiling is any type of automated proces­sing

personal data, which consists in the fact that these personal data

Data is used to identify certain personal aspects relating to

a natural person relates to evalua­ting, in parti­cular, aspects

regar­ding work perfor­mance, economic situa­tion, health,

personal prefe­rences, interests, relia­bi­lity, behavior,

to analyze the where­a­bouts or change of location of this natural person

or predict.

f) Pseud­ony­miza­tion

Pseud­ony­miza­tion is the proces­sing of personal data

a way in which the personal data can be processed without being consulted

additional infor­ma­tion no longer belongs to a specific affected person

Person can be assigned provided this additional infor­ma­tion

be stored separa­tely and for technical and organiza­tional purposes

are subject to measures to ensure that the personal data

Data not of an identi­fied or identi­fiable natural person

person to be assigned.

g) Controller or controller

The person respon­sible or respon­sible for proces­sing is the

natural or legal person, autho­rity, insti­tu­tion or other

Body that alone or jointly with others deter­mines the purposes and means

the proces­sing of personal data. Are the

The purposes and means of this proces­sing are governed by Union law or the

If the law of the Member States dictates, the person respon­sible can do so

or the specific criteria can be deter­mined accor­ding to its name

provided for by Union law or the law of the Member States.

h) Processor

Processor is a natural or legal person,

Autho­rity, insti­tu­tion or other body that collects personal data

Processed on behalf of the person respon­sible.

i) Recipient

The recipient is a natural or legal person, autho­rity,

Insti­tu­tion or other entity that discloses personal infor­ma­tion

regard­less of whether it is a third party

or not. Autho­ri­ties acting within the frame­work of a specific

Inves­ti­ga­tion mandate under Union law or the law of the

Member States may receive personal data apply

but not as a recipient.

j) Third party

Third party is a natural or legal person, autho­rity,

Insti­tu­tion or other body other than the person concerned, the

Those respon­sible, the processor and the persons under

the direct respon­si­bi­lity of the person respon­sible or the

The processor is autho­rized to process the personal data


k) Consent

Consent is volun­tary for each person concerned

given in a specific case in an informed and unambi­guous manner

Expres­sion of intent in the form of a decla­ra­tion or other

clear affir­ma­tive action with which the data subject agrees

under­stand that they are proces­sing the infor­ma­tion that concerns them

agrees to personal data.

Name and address of the person respon­sible for proces­sing

Respon­sible person within the meaning of the General Data Protec­tion Regula­tion, other

appli­cable in the Member States of the European Union

Data protec­tion laws and other regula­tions with data protec­tion law

Character is this:

EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH

Reinhold-Würth-Str. 15

74360 Ilsfeld

Tel.: 07062 / 97 97 78

Fax: 07062 / 97 97 79



Collec­tion of general data and infor­ma­tion

The EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH website records everyone

Access to the website by a data subject or

automated system a set of general data and

Infor­ma­tion. This general data and infor­ma­tion is contained in the

Server log files are stored. The (1) can be recorded

Browser types and versions used, (2) that of the acces­sing system

opera­ting system used, (3) the website from which a

acces­sing system reaches our website (so-called

Referrer), (4) the sub-websites, which are accessed via an acces­sing system

can be accessed on our website, (5) the date and the

Time of access to the website, (6) a

Internet protocol address (IP address), (7) the

Internet service provider of the acces­sing system and (8) others

similar data and infor­ma­tion that can be used to prevent danger in the event of

serve to attack our infor­ma­tion techno­logy systems.

When using this general data and infor­ma­tion, the

EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH does not draw any conclu­sions about the person concerned.

Rather, this infor­ma­tion is needed to (1) the contents of our website

to deliver the website correctly, (2) the contents of our website

To optimize the website and the adver­ti­sing for it, (3) the

long-term function­a­lity of our infor­ma­tion techno­logy

to ensure the systems and techno­logy of our website and (4)

to provide law enforce­ment autho­ri­ties in the event of a cyber attack

provide infor­ma­tion neces­sary for law enforce­ment. This anony­mously

The data and infor­ma­tion collected is provided by EP Kunst­stoff­technik

GmbH is there­fore evaluated on the one hand statis­ti­cally and with the aim of

data protec­tion and data security in our company

increase to ultim­ately provide an optimal level of protec­tion for those of us

to ensure processed personal data. The anony­mous ones

Data from the server log files is separated from all by one

Personal data provided by the data subject is stored.

Contact option via the website

The EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH website contains:

legal regula­tions infor­ma­tion that requires fast electronic

Contact our company as well as an immediate

Enable commu­ni­ca­tion with us, which is also a general address

the so-called electronic mail (e‑mail address). Provided

a data subject by email or via a contact form

Contact the person respon­sible for proces­sing

the personal data trans­mitted by the data subject

saved automa­ti­cally. Such on a volun­tary basis by one

data subject to the person respon­sible for proces­sing

Personal data trans­mitted will be used for proces­sing purposes

or contac­ting the person concerned is stored. It takes place

no passing on of this personal data to third parties.

Routine deletion and blocking of personal data

The person respon­sible for proces­sing processes and stores

personal data of the data subject only for the period of time

is neces­sary to achieve the storage purpose or if this

by the European legis­lator for direc­tives and regula­tions or one

other legis­la­tors in laws or regula­tions which are respon­sible for the

the data controller is subject to, has been provided.

If the storage purpose is no longer appli­cable or if one of the European regula­tions is running

Direc­tive and regula­tion issuer or another respon­sible person

The storage period required by law will expire

personal data routi­nely and in accordance with legal requi­re­ments

Regula­tions blocked or deleted.

Rights of the data subject

a) Right to confir­ma­tion

Each data subject has the European Direc­tive and

The right granted by the regulator for proces­sing

to request confir­ma­tion from those respon­sible as to whether they

relevant personal data are processed. Would like one

The person concerned can make use of this right of confir­ma­tion

Please contact our data protec­tion officer or one at any time

contact other employees of the data controller.

b) Right to infor­ma­tion

Any person affected by the proces­sing of personal data

has that granted by the European legis­lator for direc­tives and regula­tions

Right, at any time, from the data controller

free infor­ma­tion about the infor­ma­tion stored about him

personal data and a copy of this infor­ma­tion.

Further­more, the European legis­lator for direc­tives and regula­tions

The data subject is granted access to the follo­wing infor­ma­tion:

the proces­sing purposes

the catego­ries of personal data that are processed

the recipi­ents or catego­ries of recipi­ents to whom the

personal data have been disclosed or are yet to be disclosed

parti­cu­larly to recipi­ents in third count­ries or

inter­na­tional organiza­tions

if possible, the planned duration for which the personal data

Data is stored, or, if this is not possible, the

Criteria for deter­mi­ning this duration

the existence of a right to recti­fi­ca­tion or deletion of them

relevant personal data or to restrict the

Proces­sing by the person respon­sible or a right to object

against this proces­sing

the existence of a right to lodge a complaint with a super­vi­sory autho­rity

if the personal data is not with the data subject

collected: All available infor­ma­tion about the origin of the


the existence of automated decision-making

inclu­ding profiling in accordance with Article 22 Paragraph 1 and 4 GDPR and —

at least in these cases — meaningful infor­ma­tion about the

logic involved as well as the scope and intended effects

such proces­sing for the data subject

Further­more, the data subject has a right to infor­ma­tion as to whether

personal data to a third country or to an inter­na­tional one

Organiza­tion were submitted. If this is the case, it stands

The person concerned also has the right to infor­ma­tion about the appro­priate infor­ma­tion

To obtain guaran­tees in connec­tion with the trans­mis­sion.

If a data subject would like to exercise this right to infor­ma­tion

you can contact us at any time

Data protec­tion officer or another employee of the for the

Contact the person respon­sible for proces­sing.

c) Right to recti­fi­ca­tion

Any person affected by the proces­sing of personal data

has that granted by the European legis­lator for direc­tives and regula­tions

Right to the immediate correc­tion of any incor­rect infor­ma­tion concer­ning you

to request personal data. Further­more, the affected person is available

The person has the right to, taking into account the purposes of the proces­sing,

comple­ting incom­plete personal data — also

by means of a supple­men­tary decla­ra­tion.

If a data subject would like to exercise this right to recti­fi­ca­tion

you can contact us at any time

Data protec­tion officer or another employee of the for the

Contact the person respon­sible for proces­sing.

d) Right to deletion (right to be forgotten)

Any person affected by the proces­sing of personal data

has that granted by the European legis­lator for direc­tives and regula­tions

Right to demand from the person respon­sible that the data concer­ning them

Personal data will be deleted immedia­tely if one of the

The follo­wing reasons apply and if the proces­sing is not neces­sary


The personal data was collected for such purposes or

processed in other ways for which they are no longer neces­sary


The data subject revokes their consent to which the

Proces­sing in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter a GDPR or Article 9 Paragraph 2

Letter a of the GDPR is supported, and there is no other

Legal basis for proces­sing.

The data subject lodges an objec­tion in accordance with Article 21 Para. 1 GDPR

against the proces­sing and there are no overri­ding rights

reasons for the proces­sing, or the data subject provides in accordance with

Art. 21 Para. 2 GDPR object to the proces­sing.

The personal data was processed unlawfully.

The deletion of personal data is neces­sary to fulfill a

legal obliga­tion under Union law or the law of the

Member State to which the controller is subject is required.

The personal data was collected in relation to the services offered

of the infor­ma­tion society in accordance with Article 8 Paragraph 1 GDPR.

If one of the reasons mentioned above applies and an affected person

Person reques­ting the deletion of personal data held by the EP

Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH are stored, you can do so

Please contact our data protec­tion officer or one at any time

contact other employees of the data controller.

The data protec­tion officer of EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH or one

Other employees will arrange for the deletion request

is complied with immedia­tely.

Was the personal data provided by EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH

made public and is our company’s respon­si­bi­lity as the respon­sible party

Art. 17 Paragraph 1 GDPR for the deletion of personal data