EP EUROplast PV Anlage Solar Halle Gelände

4 good reasons for EUROplast

Why you should develop and produce your plastic part with us.



Many years of experi­ence in the develo­p­ment and produc­tion of complex plastic molded parts.



Consis­t­ently high quality throug­hout the entire product life cycle.



Optimum utiliza­tion of the raw material proper­ties indivi­du­ally for each compo­nent.



High innova­tive strength to find a working solution for every problem.

Our quality standards

We have many years of know-how in product develo­p­ment and plastics proces­sing and offer our custo­mers a forward-looking develo­p­ment process that guaran­tees quality products with an optimal cost/benefit ratio.

Quality should not have to be controlled, but should be ensured during production.

Initial sample test reports are prepared conventionally, using an optical 3D coordinate measuring machine or via CT scan.

We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

The quality manage­ment system DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 is a sign of a struc­tured opera­tional process,

from develo­p­ment to the finished product.

We have been recer­ti­fied annually since 2001.

Job offers

EUROplast EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH has been constantly develo­ping since it was founded. Thanks to our growing portfolio, we are constantly faced with new challenges and offer our employees many indivi­dual develo­p­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties.

We are looking for employees (m/f/d) in the follo­wing positions:

Plastics techno­lo­gist (m/f/d) formerly: plastic molder (m/f/d)

Your tasks

  • Setting up, setting up and starting up injec­tion molding machines and peripherals
  • Execu­tion of tool and material sampling as well as support for series produc­tion and elimi­na­tion of malfunc­tions
  • Optimiza­tion of existing processes with regard to process and quality speci­fi­ca­tions
  • Cleaning and maintai­ning machines, dryers, tools and equip­ment
  • Monito­ring quality standards, carrying out functional and dimen­sional tests as well as control activi­ties accor­ding to speci­fied test plans
  • You are jointly respon­sible for process-reliable and timely produc­tion in compli­ance with all relevant quality requi­re­ments

Our requi­re­ments

  • Successfully completed vocational training as a plastics molder (m/f/d) or as a process mechanic (m/f/d) for plastics and rubber techno­logy, or plastics techno­lo­gist (m/f/d)
  • Two years of profes­sional experi­ence as a setter in the injec­tion molding produc­tion of thermo­pla­s­tics is desirable
  • A high level of quality aware­ness
  • Relia­bi­lity, teamwork and commit­ment

This is what awaits you with us

  • Motivated and high-performing team
  • Indepen­dent work and tasks with respon­si­bi­lity
  • Family working atmosphere
  • Oppor­tu­nity for conti­nuous develo­p­ment and support through training and seminars
  • Perma­nent employ­ment

Are you curious?

Then send us your complete appli­ca­tion documents inclu­ding your salary expec­ta­tions and your earliest possible starting date to Mr. Nachts­heim. Please use the form below.

Appren­ti­ce­ship plastics techno­lo­gist (m/f/d) formerly: process mechanic for plastics and rubber techno­logy (training start: September)

Your tasks

  • Manufac­ture of techni­cally complex injec­tion molded parts
  • Setting, adjus­ting and opera­ting produc­tion systems, injec­tion molding machines and opera­ting equip­ment
  • Maintai­ning systems and, if neces­sary, recti­fying any malfunc­tions that occur to ensure produc­tion quality
  • Retoo­ling and quality approvals accor­ding to the produc­tion order
  • Close colla­bo­ra­tion with colle­agues and the shift leader

Our requi­re­ments

  • A successfully completed school educa­tion
  • A high level of quality aware­ness and good technical under­stan­ding
  • Relia­bi­lity, ability to work in a team and commit­ment, willing­ness to learn

This is what awaits you with us

  • Motivated and high-performing team
  • Indepen­dent work and tasks with respon­si­bi­lity
  • Family working atmosphere
  • Oppor­tu­nity for conti­nuous develo­p­ment and support through training and seminars
  • Very good takeover oppor­tu­ni­ties

Have you become curious?

Then send us your complete appli­ca­tion documents to Mr. Nachts­heim. Please use the form below.

Unsoli­cited appli­ca­tion (m/f/d)

This is what awaits you with us

  • Motivated and high-performing team
  • Indepen­dent work and tasks with respon­si­bi­lity
  • Family working atmosphere
  • Perfor­mance-related pay inclu­ding special benefits, such as company pension schemes and much more.
  • Oppor­tu­nity for conti­nuous develo­p­ment and support through training and seminars

We have aroused your interest but there was no suitable position?

Then send us your complete appli­ca­tion documents inclu­ding your salary expec­ta­tions and your earliest possible starting date to Mr. Nachts­heim. Please use the form below.

Please send us your detailed appli­ca­tion here Write to, CV and certi­fi­cates.

Sustaina­bi­lity and social respon­si­bi­lity

At EUROplast EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH we are strongly committed to our social and ecolo­gical respon­si­bi­lity and thus make an important contri­bu­tion to sustainable business.


Where possible, we use high-quality, long-lasting and bio-based plastics
We heat our production halls almost exclusively with waste heat
We use energy-efficient electric and servo-hydraulic injection molding machines
We recycle approx. 90% of our production leftovers
From 2024 onwards, we will largely produce the electricity required for production ourselves and will also purchase 100% certified green electricity
We carry out annual energy efficiency audits
Our parcel shipping is carried out nationally and internationally in a CO2-neutral manner via GoGreen

Social responsibility & equal opportunities

Social respon­si­bi­lity and diver­sity are very important to us. We stand for equal oppor­tu­ni­ties regard­less of gender, origin, religion or disabi­lity. We have there­fore been working closely with non-profit compa­nies for years to integrate people with disabi­li­ties into working life.

Company history

EUROplast EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH has been constantly develo­ping since it was founded. Thanks to our growing portfolio, we are constantly faced with new challenges and offer our employees many indivi­dual develo­p­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties.


Elmar Nachts­heim founded the company EUROplast EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH in Freiberg am Neckar and produces plastic molded parts made of thermo­pla­s­tics and silicones. The excel­lent develo­p­ment advice, even beyond plastics, quickly becomes a unique selling point.


First trade fair stand at the FAKUMA trade fair in Fried­richs­hafen.


Strategic partner­ships with workshops for people with disabi­li­ties expand the portfolio to include the produc­tion of entire assem­blies with assembly processes, welding and leak testing.


The company headquar­ters is moved to Pleidels­heim, the company grows and needs more space for new injec­tion molding machines.


EUROplast acquires a building site in Ilsfeld near the A81 and builds new produc­tion halls using a modular design to meet the requi­re­ments of large custo­mers. The parts of the hall are separated from each other in accordance with fire protec­tion, the tool storage is also separated from the produc­tion area with fire protec­tion. The produc­tion hall was expanded several times in the follo­wing years.


The first Innova­tion and Techno­logy Day, an event with specia­list lectures on the topic of innova­tions in the plastics sector, will be held. The EUROplast company aims to be a develo­p­ment supplier for techni­cally sophisti­cated plastic molded parts, from the idea to the ready-to-sell product.


In addition to the most modern injec­tion molding machines with clamping forces of 500kN to 4,200kN, mostly with removal devices, the first ultra­sonic welding machine is put into opera­tion in-house. Outdated injec­tion molding machines are gradu­ally being replaced by efficient servo-hydraulic machines.


David Nachts­heim, son of the company founder Elmar Nachts­heim, joins the company and takes over the business.


Purchase of the first fully electric injec­tion molding machine.


Purchase of an optical 3D coordi­nate measu­ring machine in order to meet the ever-incre­asing requi­re­ments for compo­nent testing, inclu­ding with internal measu­ring equip­ment.


Commis­sio­ning of our own photo­vol­taic system to signi­fi­cantly reduce the propor­tion of purchased electri­city and thus more environ­men­tally friendly produc­tion at the Ilsfeld location.


Get an idea of our exciting everyday work and visit us at our premises in Ilsfeld.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Do you have any questions or would you like specific infor­ma­tion? Then simply write us an email or call us.

We look forward to your inquiry.



EP Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH

Reinhold-Würth-Strasse 15

D‑74360 Ilsfeld


Tel: 0 70 62 / 97 97 78

Fax: 0 70 62 / 97 97 79
