Our Compe­tences

From the initial idea to the finished product — we support you in all phases.

You can take advan­tage of our complete range of services or just indivi­dual services.

Construction & material selection
Mold making
Plastic injection molding



Assembly & finishing


As a compe­tent consul­tant, Europlast supports you in reali­zing your innova­tive ideas with many years of know-how and creati­vity in plastics proces­sing. Thanks to these compe­ten­cies, we offer you indivi­dual solutions and a forward-looking develo­p­ment process that ensures quality products with an optimal cost/benefit ratio.

We are an innova­tion driver in the plastics industry and regularly organize one Innova­tion and Techno­logy Day with exciting guests and lectures.

Construction & material selection

From the 3D model to stereo­li­tho­graphy or 3D printing to series parts with a print. We design on your behalf or support your designers in product develo­p­ment advisory to the side.

We create tailor-made raw material compounds for customer problem solutions and develop cost-optimized assembly concepts for complex compon­ents. We will provide you with expert advice on the optimal choice of materials.

Mold making

For new projects, we ensure through several partner compa­nies that suffi­cient mold making capacity is always available from the respec­tive specia­lized compa­nies. The concep­tion of the tools and the monito­ring of deadlines go hand in hand with the EUROplast quality manage­ment.

Injection molding

In addition to enginee­ring, our core compe­ten­cies are thermo­pla­stic proces­sing inclu­ding assembly and welding. We produce on state-of-the-art injec­tion molding machines with clamping forces of 500 kN to 4200 kN. Sophisti­cated materials such as parti­ally aromatic PA, PPS, PVDF or PEEK with ceramic fillings are processed.

Plastic welding

Plastic parts can be joined using various welding processes. We offer our custo­mers the most common processes such as hot gas welding, mirror welding, vibra­tion welding and ultra­sonic welding. If there are high demands on the tight­ness and strength of the weld seam, the assembly is checked using various methods after the welding process.

Assembly & post-proces­sing

We offer a compre­hen­sive portfolio of post-proces­sing steps and special manufac­tu­ring processes such as in-mold labeling, overmol­ding of inserts and 2K overmol­ding techno­logy.

As post-proces­sing steps, we offer finis­hing processes such as printing, painting, laser engra­ving, electro­pla­ting and compre­hen­sive assembly processes.

Still questions?

Do you have any questions about our services or would you like a specific offer? Simply send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to your inquiry.