News Company


October 17 to 21, 2023, Friedrichshafen Exhibition Center

The first FAKUMA after the Corona years has finally attracted signi­fi­cantly more experts to Fried­richs­hafen. The exhibi­tion stand of the Baden-Württem­berg Plastics Techno­logy Working Group was once again in the familiar location at the entrance to Hall A1. With the company Jura-Plast, we were able to gain a new co-exhibitor.

The highlight at the EUROplast exhibi­tion stand was the ultra­sonic welding machine with which we welded a dolphin made of biopo­ly­mers in coope­ra­tion with Herrmann Ultra­schall and the company Tecnaro and distri­buted it to the trade fair visitors.

The major issues of security of supply, price increases on the raw material side and energy costs were popular topics of discus­sion. Other major topics were advan­cing digita­liza­tion, automa­tion, energy effici­ency and sustaina­bi­lity.

We are looking forward to next year’s FAKUMA, which will hopefully be a conti­nua­tion of this really successful trade fair!

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Pictures: EUROplast Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH