EUROplast Innova­tion and Techno­logy Day 2019

The fast eats the slow, desire for innova­tion

On November 18, 2016, a top-class training event took place with the 3rd EUROplast Techno­logy and Innova­tion Day.

The speed at which new products are created is dizzying, but it will never again be as slow as it is today. Product innova­tions must be imple­mented before the compe­ti­tion. Innova­tive products can be sold at high prices; if the product arrives too late, the compe­ti­tion is often already there. We want to look into the future with you, deepen the tried and tested and learn new things.

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Pictures: EUROplast Kunst­stoff­technik GmbH

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Our third Innova­tion and Techno­logy Day was once again a complete success. In addition to specia­list lectures from top-class lectu­rers on the subject of innova­tions in the plastics sector, the program also included enter­tain­ment.
EUROplast Innova­tion and Techno­logy Day 2019
Our third Innova­tion and Techno­logy Day was once again a complete success. In addition to specia­list lectures from top-class lectu­rers on the subject of innova­tions in the plastics sector, the program also included enter­tain­ment.
EUROplast Innova­tion and Techno­logy Day 2016
Our second Innova­tion and Techno­logy Day was once again a complete success. In addition to specia­list lectures from top-class lectu­rers on the subject of innova­tions in the plastics sector, the program also included enter­tain­ment.