Discover endless possibilities of

Plastic injec­tion molding and ultra­sonic welding in precision.


With our many years of experi­ence, we are available to advise you

Construc­tion and material selec­tion

We accom­pany you in product develo­p­ment or design to order

Mold making

Injec­tion molding tools require the highest precision for complex compon­ents

Injec­tion molding

Series produc­tion with certi­fied quality manage­ment

Plastic welding

Ultra­sound, vibra­tion welding, mirror welding, hot gas welding

Assembly and post-proces­sing

Painting, printing, lasering, 2K injec­tion molding techno­logy

Visit us at Fakuma

Inter­na­tional trade fair for plastics proces­sing

October 13–17, 2026

Trade fair stand A1-1201 in Hall 1

Fried­richs­hafen exhibi­tion center

Services and references

Our know-how for your project

From the initial idea to the finished product — we support you in all phases. With us you receive develo­p­ment capacity, mold making, plastic injec­tion molding, ultra­sonic welding and compo­nent produc­tion from a single source at our produc­tion site in Germany, regard­less of whether it is a small series or a large series.

Our references

We are a develo­p­ment supplier for various indus­tries and deliver indivi­dual compon­ents or entire assem­blies inclu­ding post-proces­sing. Our exper­tise also includes the produc­tion of compon­ents with drinking water approval, flame retar­dancy, electrical conduc­ti­vity or special mecha­nical proper­ties.

4 good reasons for EUROplast

And that you should develop and produce your plastic part with us.



Many years of experi­ence in the develo­p­ment and produc­tion of complex plastic molded parts.



Consis­t­ently high quality throug­hout the entire product life cycle.



Optimum utiliza­tion of the raw material proper­ties indivi­du­ally for each compo­nent.



High innova­tive strength to find a working solution for every problem.

State-of-the-art injection molding machines

We produce on machines with up to 4200kN clamping force with removal handling.

Plastic processing Made in Germany

We process a wide variety of material types, such as parti­ally aromatic PA, PPS, PVDF or PEEK with ceramic filling.

ISO certified quality management

Depen­ding on customer requi­re­ments, we measure compon­ents accor­ding to drawings for test reports optically, conven­tio­nally or with CT scans.

Plastic knowledge

Benefit from our decades of experi­ence, which we are happy to share with you. In our knowledge area you will find useful infor­ma­tion about plastics as well as guide­lines for the plastic-calcu­lated design of compon­ents.

News and publications

We are constantly evolving. Stay up to date and find out about events, publi­ca­tions and news from our company here.

We have started FAKUMA 2024 with new brochures — as usual with the tried and tested infor­ma­tion for practi­tio­ners (also available here on our website).
Trolley Run 2024 of the Stein­beis Commu­nity School Ilsfeld
As in 2023, we were again repre­sented in 2024 as a sponsor for a class at the Trolley Run of the Stein­beis Commu­nity School in Ilsfeld.
The highlight at the EUROplast exhibi­tion stand was the ultra­sonic welding machine with which we welded a dolphin made of biopo­ly­mers in coope­ra­tion with Herrmann Ultra­schall and the company Tecnaro and distri­buted it to the trade fair visitors.